The Longleaf Pine REALTORS® Fall Luncheon, taking place November 19th from 11:45 AM to 1:45 PM at the Crown Complex, will celebrate leadership and growth in our community. The no-cost event will feature the installation of our 2025 Officers & Directors, recognizing those who will guide our association into the future. Additionally, we will honor the achievements of the 2024 Leadership Academy graduates, who have demonstrated dedication and excellence in professional development. 

Celebrate Leadership Achievements: Recognize and honor the 2024 Leadership Academy graduates’ commitment to personal and professional growth.

Install New Officers & Directors: Officially swear in the 2025 Officers and Directors, empowering them to lead and shape the association’s direction beginning on January 1st, 2025.

Foster Professional Networking and Community Engagement: Join an environment for LPR members to connect, collaborate, and strengthen professional relationships within the association.

Collection for Friends of the Children CFV: Help us bring comfort and joy to hospitalized children at Cape Fear Valley Hospital by donating a teddy bear to our Collection for Friends of the Children CFV—your simple act of kindness can brighten a child’s day and offer them a sense of warmth and hope during a challenging time.

Acknowledge Winners of the REALTOR®, Affiliate, and Rookie of the Year Awards: Celebrate fellow professionals for their accomplishments and service to the Association. For further information, see the End Of Year Award Nomination Toolkit. To nominate your choice for the awards click here